1919 is a print magazine & multimedia platform for Black cultural production, political education, & internationalist solidarity & imagination. Founded in 2017, 1919 organizes and produces works across our multi-disciplinary platform that transform spatial, physical, and digital boundaries through a lens that is radical, honest, and grounded in the rejection of oppressive institutions. 

Our magazine welcomes work from artists and writers at every phase of their journey (especially the beginning). Our magazine publishes works that allow artists, cultural workers, students, writers, and youth to share their voice and open a space for dialogue, recognition, and learning in our communities. 

The direction of each print issue, civic project, and community event we organize is informed by a unique conceptual understanding that is reinforced and made up of historical precedents, legacies of international struggle, reimagining, and dreaming. 1919 grounds itself in anti-capitalist and anti-racist systems of thought, which lies at the foundation of this revolving and multi-disciplinary publication. 

For more information on how to submit your work to 1919, click here.