1919 Issue 4: Reimagining Community
We wanted our fourth issue to be a reflection of the values and beliefs that ground 1919 in the work we wish to do, the communities we represent, and the freedoms we seek. With this issue as an organizing backdrop, Reimagining Community allows our contributors to share ideas, stories, critique and participate in conversations with each other, the reader, and their fellow community members in a safe environment.
Across the art, stories, and conversations included in Reimagining Community you’ll find topics related to the hyper policing and criminalizing of Black and Brown communities, transnational solidarities, communal self-care and healing, chronic illness and disability, incarceration, creative writing as revolutionary praxis, and anti-Black racism in the TDSB school system. At the end of this issue, we have also included a community directory that includes a number of significant Toronto/GTA based organizations working for Black and racialized communities. We’re hoping this much-needed initiative can increase awareness and access to organizations looking to redefine and resist how our communities are systemically marginalized through reimagined communities, programs, services, and spaces.
To view the full issue click here. For access to a PDF of Reimagining Community click here.