Features and Submissions Overview


How to Pitch an Article/Essay:

Pitching work to others can be stressful and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. We’re committed to providing writers with good editing and feedback on their work, so that they can grow and become better from the experience.

  • All pitches can be sent to submissions@1919mag.com

  • If you have something you’re interested in writing about, send us a paragraph or two on what you’d like to say. Pitches should be include a title, a brief intro, and 4-5 sentences where you lay out what your idea is, what inspired you to talk about it and a sense of the relevant sources you are using or speaking for more information.

  • Once an editor has received your pitch, we will read it over and contact you with feedback. If you don’t hear back from us in 1-2 weeks, please follow up.

  • While the focus of this publication is critical and editorial, we also welcome personal essays and opinion and interviews.

  • For a sense of the type of work that 1919 is geared towards, take a look through the website and read what we have up so far.

If you’re looking for more extensive pitching tips: here’s some help. For specific concerns and questions please reach out to us!

How to Send Music/Artwork:

Music and art submissions can be sent to submissions@1919mag.com 

Event/Civic Programming:

Providing spaces for Black and Brown youth to be together is important to us. Throughout the year, we host events, workshops, parties, etc aimed to connect people and their communities together. We’ll announce these as they happen, so keep an eye out on our site and social media pages.


At 1919 we believe people should be paid for their work, and we’re taking steps to make sure we can pay people fairly for their productions.

At this time, submissions and pitches to 1919 online will be done on a voluntary basis. We are working hard to change this and once we can, we will provide fair rates to all those who submit work to our digital publication.

Artists will be compensated for all work that appears in our print editions and are submitted for that purpose, specifically. Similarly, DJ’s who have their sets featured on 1919 radio will be compensated for their work.