Working With 1919

We’re looking for coordinators to support programming and community building at 1919!

All positions with 1919 are available for the Summer period and are designed to be flexible, part time, and independent. All positions are also designed to be formed and folded according to the character, interest, unique skills, and experiences any individual might bring to the team. Thus, with this in mind, we are willing and excited to reinterpret, create, and imagine your position with 1919 in order to meet individual needs. These positions are currently unpaid, as we currently allocate all our funds towards paying contributors and operational costs. These positions are not fixed to the summer period but were designed with access for students and youth looking for different opportunities at this time of year. If this is not you, we welcome long term interest as well! Our team is led by and consists of cultural producers, students, and youth. We highly encourage anybody interested in working with 1919 to submit an introduction below and outline your own ideal position if you are not interested in what we have listed!

Grant Writer: The grant writer will be responsible for researching and identifying funding opportunities that align with 1919. Work on drafting and editing grant applications & supporting documents based on the funding requirements of the organization. Further responsibilities include maintaining a grants calendar to keep track of various application deadlines.

Graphic Designer/Graphic Producer: Will work in print and visual media(s) producing posters, graphics, art works, and collages alongside support from our team. Events Coordinator: Coordinate digital and live events coinciding with our work in our syllabus, radio, and digital publication to support year-round 1919 programming.

Social Media Coordinator: Coordinate our graphic strategy across our website and social media channels to help communicate our values and visual identity. Work with our core team and graphic producers to create materials for our digital publication, radio, and social media channels. Continue building direct connections with our supporters through media channels that support our organizational missions and membership base.

Journalist: Journalists will be responsible for producing written or visual works for 1919’s digital publication.

Editor: Responsible for producing/soliciting and communicating with artists, writers, and community partners to publish works to be published on 1919’s digital publication. Proofread and fact check articles for errors and inconsistencies prior to publishing.